Discussion of the Secret Doctrine via Zoom: 11 AM
Public Meeting: 12 PM
Meetings are via Zoom unless otherwise indicated
January 4
IN-PERSON MEETING at the Southwest Neighborhood Library in Washington D.C.
Roundtable Discussion: “Theosophical Goals for the Year”
At the start of the year, it is common to set new goals that often fade away after a few weeks. As Theosophists, why not focus on the core teachings found in the three main objects? What can we strive to accomplish, both as a group and individually, in our communities, our Lodge, or our workplaces? From simple acts of kindness to more significant commitments, we can work together to make a positive impact and improve the lives of those around us.
January 11
“Theosophy, Leibnitz, and the Monad” with Clare Goldsberry (author)
H.P. Blavatsky reveals that the monad exists in all life on earth in all of its various evolutionary forms from the lowest rock and mineral to the highest, the human being: “As shown, the monad had passed through, journeyed and been imprisoned in every transitional form throughout every kingdom of nature [i.e. mineral, animal, vegetable] during the three preceding Rounds.” She cites mathematician, scientist, and developer of calculus Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz many times in Vol. 1 of The Secret Doctrine, evidently finding Leibnitz’s scientific theories and investigations extremely informative to her own work of synthesizing science, religion, and philosophy.
January 18
“History of the Theosophical Movement” with Vladka Shikova (D.C. Lodge)
The Theosophical Society was founded in New York City in 1875 to promote universal brotherhood and endorse a new approach to the study of philosophy, science, and religion. It quickly became an international organization, but after the death of H.P. Blavatsky, the organization split into two major factions. These factions continued to multiply in the 20th century leading to many current entities that claim their origin or strong relation to the original Society. In this session, we will go back to how it all started and where we are today.
January 25
Roundtable Discussion: “Dust Matters” by Betty Bland (North Carolina)
Betty Bland served the Theosophical Society in America in many capacities and was national president from 2002 to 2011. She shared her wisdom in the “Viewpoint” column of Quest magazine, and her 2004 Quest article “Dust Matters” (https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/dust-matters) was also published in her book Begin Where You Are. Betty will be joining us for a discussion of the article. You can find out more about her on the TS Wiki: https://theosophy.wiki/en/Betty_Bland
February 1
IN-PERSON MEETING at the Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library in Washington D.C.
“Illuminating the Soul: Theosophy’s Influence on Visual Arts” with Malini Lavappa (D.C. Lodge) – This meeting starts at 11:00 am
Modern Theosophy has played a significant role in shaping the work of many visual artists, especially painters. Visionaries like Hilma af Klint, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, and Frantisek Kupka drew deeply from Theosophy, using its teachings as the philosophical and spiritual foundation for their artistic explorations. Join us for an engaging presentation that delves into Theosophy’s profound influence on the visual arts and how these artists transformed esoteric ideas into creative expression.
February 8
“The Future of Humanity: Pathways to Transformation” with Jayne Fleener (North Carolina)
This presentation will delve into how futurists envision transformational futures in relation to transpersonal awareness, futures literacies, the concept of the Three Tomorrows, and the broader evolution of humanity. By using futures perspectives as a lens, we will examine why change can be so challenging and how it connects to the triple evolutionary scheme of physical, intellectual, and spiritual transformation.
February 15
“The Spiritual Path of Forgiveness” with Sue Prescott (Krotona)
Those on the spiritual path are striving to be aware and live in accordance with the Unity of all of life. Forgiveness of yourself and others is a part of this because it involves truly understanding why you or the other person did the act that needs to be forgiven. Join Sue Prescott as she describes the steps necessary for you to release yourself from guilt and resentment to allow true forgiveness to occur.
February 22
Roundtable Discussion: “Implicate and Explicate Order” with Veronica Boutte (D.C. Lodge)
Physicist and humanist David Bohm was a pioneer in bringing consciousness studies and quantum physics to dialogue with each other. His work has now become an inspiration to worldwide scientists in the field. His theory of the “Implicate and Explicate Order” matches perfectly recent theoretical research in the nature of time, entanglement, and reality. Bohm and his wife Saral often spent time in Ojai, California, and during his career, he crossed paths with figures including Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, J. Krishnamurti, and the Dalai Lama.
A dialogue between Bohm and the Dalai Lama can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rydvSn7bBbY, and the he trailer for the film “Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm” is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPIX81ct_zU. Please watch these before the discussion. (Viewing of the full-length film is recommended.)
March 1
IN-PERSON MEETING at a Southwest Library in DC
“The Sephiroth in the Nordic Pantheon” with Matthew Flagge
In the Jewish mystical tradition, the Tree of Life and its Sephiroth (spheres) are given to students as a map of what they will find on their spiritual journey. But truth is not confined to one tradition, and mystics and adepts in other cultures and in other parts of the world made the same journey and discovered many of the same realities. In this talk, we will examine the Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabbalah and how the realities represented by those Sephiroth are symbolically described within the Nordic Gylfaginning, part of the Prose Edda.
March 8
“Sacred Geometry #1-5: Creation to Man” with Allix St. Clair (Miami Study Center)
Theosophy explains that out of the One Life, emerges multiple dimensions of Matter, and that the soul immerses itself time and again as personalities to exist within and to learn to control the Matter of these dimensions. One way of exploring this concept is Sacred Geometry, which uses various geometric shapes to explain the dimensions and how Spirit descends through them in what we call in Theosophy “involution.”
This talk is about the first five stages of geometric forms, numbered in Sacred Geometry as 1 through 5, to explain how Spirit descends, and in the process how The One becomes The Many, Creation to Man.
March 15
“Sacred Geometry, part 2 (Bio-Geometry)” with Allix St. Clair (Miami Study Center)
March 22
“Pythagoras and the Tetraktys” with Allix St. Clair (Miami Study Center)
We sometimes find in history an individual who has a deep impact on humanity, who pushes forward the evolution of humanity for the better, and whose works live on long after his death. Pythagoras of Samos is such a person. His impact has lived on for thousands of years, in the areas of mathematics, geometry, religion and mysticism.
Pythagoras created a diagram we call the Tetraktys to summarize his system. Later followers of Pythagoras, the so-called Pythagoreans, including Plato himself, used this Tetraktys in their own philosophies.
March 29
“Dora van Gelder Kunz and Therapeutic Touch” with Leonnie van Gelder (Orcas Island)
Dora Van Gelder Kunz, lifelong Theosophist and past president of the Theosophical Society in America, along with fellow longtime Theosophist Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., RN, developed a healing practice known as Therapeutic Touch (TT). In this presentation, Leonnie, who sees Therapeutic Touch as applied Theosophy, will discuss its underlying framework and how it fits into the Theosophical worldview.
April 5
IN-PERSON MEETING at the Tenley Neighborhood Library in Washington DC – THE MEETING STARTS AT 11:00 AM
“Subtle Bodies: Vehicles to Higher Consciousness and Self-Actualization” with Nicole Goott
We are more than our physical body, the outer garment most human beings identify with as “Me”. Going beyond this veil, we’ll explore the multidimensionality of consciousness through the lens of the subtle bodies — vehicles that consciousness uses to learn, grow, and self-actualize.
In this talk we’ll cover:
- Consciousness and its relationship to the Physical Body
- The Subtle Bodies and their functions
- The Mental Body – the midpoint where life meets form, how we get stuck here, and how to get unstuck especially in turbulent times
- Setting our sights higher — establishing consciousness in a higher body as preparation for Unity Consciousness
This talk is intended to be accessible and approachable. Participants will be invited to practice exploring one’s own consciousness in the moment in a couple of simple and safe exercises.
April 12
“Hierotopy with Hagia Sophia” with JD Sender (Oklahoma)
Hierotopy (a concept and the term created in 2002 by Russian art historian and Byzantinist Alexei Lidov) accounts for the ways in which a vast array of media (e.g. religious images, ritual, song, incense, light) are used to organize sacred spaces. As examples of hierotopic projects, one can consider King Solomon’s construction of the First Temple and the erection of Hagia Sophia by Emperor Justinian.
April 26
Roundtable Discussion “One Interdependent Whole”
All the new member letters are being re-designed. Let’s look at New Member Letter #2 and discuss the content and the quotes for reflection.
May 3
IN-PERSON MEETING at a D.C. library to be determined
Roundtable Discussion: “Theosophical Terms”
Using the Theosophical glossary book, each participant will randomly select one term and provide their best understanding of it. The winner will be the player who gives the most esoteric definition that comes to mind. Details on how to play will be given when we start.
May 10
“Beyond the Veil: Famous Scientific Discoveries Formulated in Dreams” with Cristin McVey (San Diego)
This talk will explore the ways that dreams informed the formulation of complex scientific theories by Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Dimitry Mendeleev, and more, which brought forth new scientific discoveries and technologies. Today few know of the origins of these important scientific discoveries in the dream world because these dreams defy logical and objectivist understanding of the scientific process as necessarily “rational” and deductive.
May 17
“Perspective and Purpose: Finding a Meaning in the Mundane” with Tommy Welsh (Wheaton Lodge)
In our lives here on earth, we may go through the same event as another and come away with a vastly different experience. Much of which derives from our perspective. There are many different factors that generate our perspective, largely based on our worldview. So, what does it look like when we incorporate a Theosophical worldview or perspective into our daily lives? How could we work towards sustaining that? And how can that help guide us to our purpose in this life?
May 31
“Perceiving the Illusion” with Joe Hasiewics (Wheaton Lodge)
In The Voice of the Silence, H.P. Blavatsky exhorts the spiritual aspirant to seek out the rajah of the senses, the thought-producer (the mind), he who awakes illusion and slay him as he is the great slayer of the real. In an early issue of Lucifer, a monthly journal of which Blavatsky was both editor and contributor, contains three short articles in which she provides some insight as to how we may begin to perceive the illusion thus produced. In this inquiry, we will examine those articles to better understand how we may better recognize illusion and see past it through self-knowledge, the understanding of desire, and the awakening of the will.